there's nothing quite like watching your children grow up right before your eyes ... i recently finished (finally) my mini scrapbook entitled "Our Babies: Birthdays and Blessing Days" and looking back on each of them was remarkable, surprising and even a little bizarre. our minds play tricks on us - me especially since i'm only 18 and i have 4 children ranging in age from 8 to 2 and i've been married for over 9 years ... that's over half my life time!
i was perusing thru my mini-book and discover that i can remember a whole lot about each day ... and still i wish i could remember more. i laid in bed the other night tears streaming soaking my pillow thinking about my tiny baby abi ... she's growing up to be such a bright (in all senses of the word), courageous, sensitive, spiritual young lady. she got a book of mormon reader from grandma shaw around the beginning of october and we couldn't get her to put it down. she was determined to finish it ... and when she got to the end, she read Moroni's Challenge and took it to heart. she knelt and prayed, all by herself. she didn't need any coaching from me ... she knew what to do. she asked her Heavenly Father if the Book of Mormon was true. when she related this story (after the fact) she stopped there - she was so matter-of-fact about it. she was just reporting that she had done it.
so i asked her, "and what did Heavenly Father tell you?"
abi: [shrugs shoulders] it's true.
me: how do you know?
abi: i felt good inside - the Holy Ghost helped me know.
out of the mouths of babes.
she made the decision to be baptized and today was that special day. it was extra special too because she didn't have to share it with anyone. it was our stake's baptism day ... but she was the only one! we had such a wonderful group of family and friends there!! it was exceptionally fantastic!
looks like i'll be adding another 'B' to my mini-book: Baptism Day ...
10 years ago
Wonderful story! I know I am going to be a wreck when it comes to Zach's baptism day. Wow. Can it really be so close? Just like you are suck at 18, I'm stuck at 23for some reason, maybe that is because that is how old I was when Zach was born and my life has been such a busy, wonderful blur since then! Abi is such a sweetheart, and I am so happy for her and for this most amazing of decisions she has made for herself. She looks lovely! And your halloween and birthday posts are very fun! Happy Birthday Abi!
I am sniffing and drying eyes as we speak - she really is a special spirit and we all have known it from the start. Her experience in reading and praying about the book of mormon brings tears to my eyes. She is such a good example to her younger sister and brothers, and you guys are wonderful parents. I love you guys. Wish we could have been there to share in the joy and tears.
It also kills me because if your kids are growing up, so are mine. (Sniff.)
Congrats Abi on your 8 years and your baptism.
congrats abi! I'm so proud of you!
Thanks for sharing this story about Abi! It made me tear up! What a great, sweet, smart, beautiful girl!
Happy birthday to abi, and congratulations on being baptized!! And I love the halloween costumes!
congrats Abi!! :)
It was such a great baptism and I can't believe the book of mormon part with the challenge. she is a rock and must have great parents :)
Absolutely precious post! You ought to be a pretty proud mama!
Oh totally made me cry! Thanks for the beautiful post!
Go Abi. She's going to be an amazing woman - no doubt about it. You guys are great parents in so many ways, thanks for setting such a great example to us in raising wonderful kids.
And oh my goodness, I just heard Beaker sing, "Mi mi mimi mi." I just about peed my pants!
Emily...Where are you? I haven't seen a new post in a while!
So sweet. I'm glad we could be there.
Annnnnd... tag, you're it. (Visit The Creamery and you'll get all the details of this madness.)
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