Andy Shaw!!! Somewhere in the vicinity of 14-16 years ago ... circa 1992-ish ... Andy Shaw was all the rage at Everett Stake Youth Dances. He was not confined to the Everett Stake though, he danced the night away most weekends at the surrounding stake's dances as well. Back in the day, he was quite the dancing machine! Everything from near BreakDance moves to Splits and everything in between! He took the prize at so many of these youth dances that he was a LegendInHisOwnTime.
Fast forward to June 2007 Tri-Stake Youth Dance hosted by Everett Stake, last night. We voluteered to chaperone. Strategically stationed around the building to ensure safety, security, and measure of decorum. You remember the chaperones ... dressed in Sunday attire, watching our every move, we couldn't get away with anything! (not that we were TRYING to get away with something ... ) Yes, that was us ... but cooler. As part of the rotation we started in the north foyer, moved into the dance floor then out to the south foyer and counter clockwise around the building rotating every half hour, all the while watching for deviant behavior.
Then ... while positioned on the dance floor Rhett Brown caught a glimpse of Andy and had a flashback. He said he did a double-take, "Andy Shaw at a Stake Youth Dance, it takes me back a few years!" Toward the end of the dance the competition was about to begin and Rhett came to ask Andy if he'd enter himself as a contestant ...
"It's time for the Dance Competition, can we clear the floor?? We have a special treat this evening, about 12 - no maybe 14 years ago there was one young man who consistantly won these competitions and he's here again tonight! Andy Shaw!!" Judges were chosen and the music started "Rhythm is a dancer, it's a souls companion, you can feel it everywhere ... " After 20 seconds and at least one SpinAroundDropDownUpAndDoTheSplits move later eliminations started. 20 more seconds and it was down to a foursome (including 2 girls from our ward) and none other than Mr. Famous. [The other chaperones (all from our ward) had gathered to watch and some were taking bets as to whether he'd be able to walk into church the next day.] The winner would be chosen by audience applause ... 20 more seconds and his 3rd Split - this time with a loud smack to the ground, the audience gave it up for the GrandChampion.
It was SO much fun to watch him! He admitted that he was out of practice and Hurtin'FerCertain (his torn meniscus throbbing a bit) but we would chaperone again in a heartbeat!
Besides, how many girls can say that they went home with the StakeYouthDanceChamp!! I asked him if he'd ever recover from his performance and all he said was, "I had to show off for my girlfriend! (got any Advil??)"