i've been counting down since last Dec 26 ... are you ready? me neither!!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

seven rhymes with heaven

and in heaven there is music - all kinds ... good kinds of music. the angels sing (they sound like motab) and i'm certain there will be pianos, organs, and even bands (maybe we'll have a disco ball or two)!! music brings the spirit like nothing else ... it's also a release. this morning i used music to get thru to my daughters that were at each other's throats. i put them on the couch with their arms around each other - which made it worse and literal ... and then moved them to sit knee to knee in chairs and played songs like "we are a happy family" and "love is spoken here" and "jesus said love everyone ..."

we have also had flashlight dance parties! footloose is great for those!!

and ... music is great while cleaning!!

shoot - andy and i met at a dance - that says a LOT for musical influence in our lives!

goal #27 - use music ... play music ... have more music in our home.


Amanda said...

I've been trying to do this more in our family, too! The other day, I turned on an EFY CD that I enjoy while I was cooking dinner. When Ryan came home, I was in a great mood and the kids were playing together well. Definitely the influence of good music!

Vic and Jan said...

I've always loved music, but since being in Bermuda I have really appreciated the spirit that the hymns bring to me as I study the words and the story behind them. I look forward to your blog updates.

jox said...

That's Awesome. I remember my mom doing the same thing to my brother and me. We also had to had to say how much we loved the other.
We have also in our family started to sing the song of the month from primary each night when we kneel down for prayers. We sing the same song all month so the kids know it really well. They look forward to and and have even reminded us when we have forgotten to do it. We even do it when we are not home. Lots of fun.
