i've been counting down since last Dec 26 ... are you ready? me neither!!

Monday, September 13, 2010

embarrassing ...

******warning: TMI ahead******

i'm going to talk about that 'elephant in the room' if you don't mind ...

what is that?  yeah ... that's a hickey
my husband broke the cardinal rule: inconspicuous ...

his defense?  "i didn't think i was that low" - meaning he was aiming for right behind my ear ... but 'missed'


so now you know ... married people make out ... in the past PDA has not been something we shy away from - albeit this was not created in public (thank heaven!) but the resulting 'display of affection' is hard to miss ... 

and slightly embarrassing!!

don't even worry that i noticed it on Sunday morning
and because i work with the youth now i tried to conceal it ...
all the time worrying that my cute little beehives would notice!!
not that they would ever say anything!


Amanda said...

You're working with the youth now? I had no idea! I just got called as the Mia Maid advisor--and I'm so excited.

As for the hickey, Andy appears to be a repeat offender. I remember you showing up to presidency meeting with one of those several months ago. That man has got to work on his aim! ;)

P.S. My word verification is "mistang"--which is a poorly souped up mustang. i.e. "I can't believe he spent so much time turning that car into a mistang."

Colleen said...

LOVE IT! Hahahahahaha!

Jennalee said...

such a liar...you are always pda my friend :)

Heidi said...

LOL!! Oh, what a conundrum... I'll bet if the Beehives saw it they thought, "Sweet! Married life is so cool!!"