My notes from our combined Relief Society and Priesthood meeting ...
Forgiveness: we need to let others repent, let it go ... bury the hatchet
It does take time ...
My responsibility, the Savior died for them too.
D&C 64:8-11
a grudge is a heavy burden, not worth carrying around ...
Brigham Young's parable of the poisonous snakebite ...
in this talk by David E. Sorensen
Compared to President Monson's talk on Anger from Oct. Conf. 2009
Spilled Milk story about Thomas B. Marsh's wife stealing cream (found in Monson's talk)
check out what the New Era says about forgiveness here.
I have experienced a time when forgiveness was required of me - I found it hard to do ... especially under the circumstances. I cried a lot, prayed a lot, was angry a long time, was stubborn a long time, felt 'justified' in it ... but didn't find peace until I honestly let it go. I still find myself getting twinges now and again of the hurt and the anger ... but I try to quickly remind myself that 'it's all under control ... just not my control' (Acts 1:7).
i've been counting down since last Dec 26 ... are you ready? me neither!!
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Forgiveness ...
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Saturday AGAIN!?
Our Saturday activities in pictures ...
size = amount of time spent - notice the reason we have a messy house!?
and after that was done ...
we saw the demise of our poor Christmas Tree ...

and then ran errands and emptied the JUNK from the van so that we could go pick up our best friends who were flying in from ...
Happiest Place On Earth!
lovely busy day ...
Friday, January 29, 2010
on being sick as a mother ...
Thursday, January 28, 2010
and speaking of TOFW
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
the lunchbox mystery ...
Since we returned to school from Christmas, Abi's lunch box has gone missing TWICE! The first time I got upset with her ... thinking that she lost it, put it in the wrong box to be returned to her classroom ... or she maybe had lost it in her locker?? I got after her to look for it and she has yet to find it. Then today she was upset when I picked her up from school. She said that she put her lunch box in her locker (this was confirmed by her friends, whose lockers flank hers) and when she went to get it for lunch time ... it was missing! Mind you, these elementary lockers are not locked ... they are simply a glorified cubby with a door. Anyone could have walked by and looked in there and decided to swipe her yummy lunch containing a devil's food cake mix cookie - lovingly made for her by her dad! This is a problem! I emailed her school teacher to that effect and I'm hoping that something will be done! Especially since she is so upset about it AND she had to 'borrow' a lunch today and pay back the school tomorrow! She didn't call me because she thought I'd be mad!
OH NO!! I'm writing this down so that I am held accountable ... I never want this to happen again - not the lunch box missing thing (well I don't want that to happen anymore either ...) - I don't want my kids to be afraid to tell me things for fear that I'll be upset with them!!
I remember going to a Time Out For Women where Emily Watts spoke - she's quite hilarious to listen to ... not stand-up-comic hilarious, real-life-no-holds-barred hilarious! She talked about parenting and said something that hit home: "Heavenly Father loves your children as much as you do, even more possibly - He doesn't get provoked ... "
In my every effort to be more like my Heavenly Father, I need to add 'not easily provoked' ... I shout too much ... the first step is to admit you have a problem ... I recognize that I need to do something about it! I'm going to start praying for help and start whispering more! Wish me luck - and check up on me! I need the help!
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
day 2 and still on track!
One of my Goals for 2010 is to read the Book of Mormon cover to cover in 30 consecutive days. This means roughly 17 pages a day=45-ish minutes a day=a big commitment. I want to do this for 2 reasons, 1) I haven't read from cover to cover in quite a while ... 2) I can read 500 pages of a novel in a few days ... but 530 of scripture is difficult - I want it to be like a novel and get the story in my head.
I have started reading about 4 times ... and get to about chapter 6 and get distracted ... so I start over the next time I pick it up ... days later! But I am determined this time. I have decided that it's not cheating to listen to it! I downloaded it to my zune from and I have listened to it for 2 days in a row now ... and ya know - I'm really liking it! My plan is to spend those 45ish minutes on the eliptical ... that part hasn't happened yet ... but I'm listening and getting the story and my 'required' chapters in to meet my goal!
I know the Book of Mormon is true scripture and that by reading it you can get closer to our Heavenly Father and learn the mysteries of God ... you will also learn about His "tender mercies" as promised by Nephi in the first chapter, twentieth verse ... have faith and He will "make [you] mighty even unto the power of deliverance." Who doesn't want that??
Monday, January 25, 2010
Rhino ...
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Saturday is a special day ...
it's the day we get Christmas all put away!
We moved things around in the attic - got down things to donate to the Y and put all the Christmas boxes up! And - shocker - there's so much room up there when it's organized. Now if the organization could rain from above and cause the rest of the house to have everything have a place and be in it's place ... that would be lovely!
After we descended the attic ... we rushed (with 1 grandma, 1 granny and 1 papa) to the boys games ... that were at the exact same time on either side of the curtain drawn to make the full size court into 2 kid size courts! so fun! and FUNNY!
Tonight we went with our ward to the temple and were blessed with the opportunity to do sealings. What beautiful blessings are promised to those who are sealed! And the best part ... we were among friends! (and we all went out to dinner together after! the fun part!)
Here's to good days, great friends and wonderful babysitters that make it all possible!!
Friday, January 22, 2010
after many long years ...
Andy has spent many hours ... days, nights and all-nighters even ... at the skate deck. He practically grew up there. He is quite comfortable gliding on the smooth wood floor and even now as a grown-up, he's still able to skate backward and in circles around his wabbly-legged-not-as-comfortable-with-wheels-on wife. I never knew him as a teenager but I'm pretty sure I wouldn't have given him a second glance back-in-the-day ... he was truly a skater-dude. That being said, I have been watching him skate these past few times that we've been there, in awe and loving the fact that he's just that good! (and looks good doing it!) Here's the problem: the skate deck has had the same skates for rent for the past 30 some-odd years! Andy has been skating there for at least 20 years (gasp!), renting their same old speed skates, getting blisters from the not so comfortable, not so snug fitting, wonky-soled skates.
after Monday, Thursday and Friday night skates
legs are sore and out of practice ...
I foresee more dates at the Skate Deck!!
Seriously, who wants to join us?! ANYBODY!?
Thursday, January 21, 2010
there's a first time for everything ...
I have been reading and studying Alma 12 and 13 for the last few days ... so much good stuff!! Great principles and doctrine. It reminds me that I love the scriptures and that I really do want to spend more time reading and studying them. I have been inspired today ... now if I can just keep this feeling alive, and get myself out of bed every morning ... my days will be so much happier!
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
i'm in it to win it!
something you maybe didn't know about me: i've never done step aerobics, taken a step class, or tried to step up on one of those steps except maybe in PE as a child. Oh, i've done aerobics, NIA, tried Zumba, done water aerobics and even took aerobics instructing class in college ... but i've never done 'step' ... until today!
am i coordinated? not so much ...
did i totally get lost in the middle? absolutely!
did i have a good workout (read: did i sweat a LOT?)? uh yeah.
will i be going back next week? you bet your gym shoes!
i asked the instructor ... "so since i didn't get it right the first time ... that means i have to come back?!" she said, "see you next week!!"
baby steps ... and one and two and one and two ...
and by the way ... it was really fun! the best part: i was front and center (the only spot left when i got there ... ) and blessed with the ability to laugh at myself!
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
i'm a little weepy today
What is there to be weepy about, you ask?
Just a few things ... christmas is over, my house is in a constant state of disaster, and my best friends are planning a drastic change of scenery ...
all things that make me feel like crying big crocodile tears!!
But for now ... {chuckle} I'm just gonna look at pictures like this, that I can't help but laugh at!!
Monday, January 18, 2010
what do you do when you're down by 2?
The girls decided to spend the night at grandma's house since there was no school today - thank you, Martin Luther King Jr. So, we were down by 2 ... it was just us and the boys ... i went to yoga while the 3 of them went for a drive to get some photos for dad's work, i came home and took the ornaments off the tree ... notice i didn't say took the tree down ... cuz it's still up - just naked now ... lights and star only, give me a few more days! We had lunch and went to ... {drumroll please ... }
Ammon was getting really good after about a half hour ... i was really impressed! Maybe he'll be as good as his dad someday! Easton told me that when he gets big he'll skate like daddy - and backwards too! It was really fun!
Sunday, January 17, 2010
I am a child of God ...
Saturday, January 16, 2010
GO Blue Whales! GO Bulldogs!
See that number 1?? That's our star football basketball player! He runs, he dribbles (sort of), he blocks, he shoots ... he scores(?!) not so much - but he sure looks cute doing it ... and he only shot at the wrong basket twice! It gets so confusing you know, when all the kids are chasing you as you carry the basketball in a football hold ... stiff-arming the competition and your own team mates down the court! Parents and siblings cheering and shouting, "Run! Get the ball! Shoot it! No, the other way! Arms up! Get the ball! Run!!" No wonder he was ready for a drink and a time out 3 minutes into the first quarter!!
Funniest thing I have seen in a while - well this sports season anyway!
And this guy ... he can do it all! Run, dribble (sort of), guard, shoot, and he scores! He's the smilely-est kid on the court! He's just happy to be here and played almost the whole game! Sweaty kid! What a fun way to spend 2 hours today!
Friday, January 15, 2010
'tis the season ... still
BUT you know that it's been up just a bit long when you find these:
And if you think you heard Christmas music in the background the last time you talked to me ... keep in mind I get to listen to it as long as there are decorations up at my house ... it's still Christmas here! Come on over and enjoy the season a little longer with us!
We've been rodent sitting for my little sister that 'accidentally' left Rhino behind ... when she moved to Utah. My children are ECSTATIC that we have a pet!!
This is Rhino
she's a hampster ... she's fun to watch, the kids like to hold her, her ball keeps her out of trouble (she's only escaped 3 times ... ) and the best thing is ... her poops are miniature!!
Thursday, January 14, 2010
goals, plans, schedules and wagon rides
I'm back on the wagon ... move over girls - Emily Shaw is back!! I know I've said that before and I have even blog-promised (which is similar to pinky promising!) ... but this time I am determined. I have set my phone to remind me to blog ... and I feel like this is the best way to keep up with our 'family history'!!
I plan to post daily and 'blog without obligation' except to myself. I feel like I am more eloquent and fun when I blog. And I really want my kids to be able to look back on this and say to themselves - our mom was one crazy girl and she loved us!
That being said:
This is the reason I blog ... to remember when I did fun things like braving the Seattle Aquarium with my 4 crazies and sack lunches. Ahh the joys of motherhood with 'membership'!