i've been counting down since last Dec 26 ... are you ready? me neither!!

Friday, May 28, 2010

inspiringly flexible.

For the last nearly 5 years I have been attending a yoga/pilates class at the Y.  I'm a front-and-center kinda girl ... not because i want to be an example ... but because i want to be able to see the teacher and myself in the mirror ... so i can get it right.  as you may know, when one practices yoga they are upside down a lot, looking thru their own legs at the other people behind them doing the same poses.  almost every class i have been to Shirley has been quietly stretching, inspiring, encouraging in the back corner of the room.  she became a fast friend and a kind of mentor.  she's darling, kind and the sweetest yogini i know!  she is moving away now and will be missed.  i only hope that i can be like her when i'm 60ish.

I'm going to miss you, Shirley!

1 comment:

nicki said...

What a cute lady! I'm trying my best to get into yoga - you're inspiring me! You're not going to be one of those old ladies that hobbles around, no siree!